At Our Lady Queen of Peace, our special needs provision is led by:
Mr G. Diamond (Assistant Headteacher & SENDCo).
If you have a SEND related question, please contact Mr Diamond by email:
The SEND Department believes that all students, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum that will support them in becoming global Catholic citizens.
All students should be provided with equal opportunities as part Our Lady Queen of Peace to enable them to succeed. We are committed, through our shared faith, to providing inclusive learning opportunities in a wide range of subject areas, which enrich students and give them regular opportunities to progress and achieve excellence.
Parents / Carers
Our aim is to build strong relationships with parents and carers regularly as part of the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle to ensure that students have an accessible education where they are given the chance to reach their potential whilst feeling supported in their learning. We work collaboratively with teachers, support staff and outside agencies to develop levels of independence appropriate for each individual student.
Quality First Teaching
We support our students to build resilience and develop coping strategies to prepare them for adult life. The support that we provide begins with Quality First Teaching assisted by other teaching strategies suitable to the needs of each individual child.
Early Identification
The School recognises the importance of early identification and intervention in order to address the needs of SEND pupils, as identified in the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0-25 years (2014).
Lancashire’s Local Offer
To find out more information about Lancashire’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities local offer please visit Lancashire | SEND.