Our School Ethos
Our school ethos reflects the values proclaimed by Christ in the Gospels and recognises the unique value of each individual. We recognise that each child is created in the image and likeness of God. We promote strong relationships and provide a learning environment that is based on three core values: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience. Our school seeks to promote opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development in an atmosphere of mutual respect, trust, love, forgiveness and reconciliation.
School Expectations
High expectations of behaviour and a positive attitude to learning are vital in creating a positive learning environment in which all students can achieve to their full potential. We work on the premise that all staff students and parents have a clear understanding of what constitutes good behaviour at Our Lady Queen of Peace. These standards apply to school, during school visits as well as when travelling between home and school.
Behaviour For Learning Curriculum
Through our Behaviour For Learning Curriculum, we aim:
- To promote the core values of Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.
- To develop positive relationships and promote high standards of behaviour.
- To create a high-quality learning environment where staff and students feel safe.
- To create a climate of trust, responsibility, self-discipline and self-regulation.
- To ensure that all are treated equally and with upmost dignity, regardless of social background, race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or religion.
- To recognise, promote and celebrate good behaviour through rewards.
- To educate students on our School Expectations and develop a sense of community.
- To challenge unacceptable behaviour and using appropriate sanctions.
- To ensure that bullying and discrimination are dealt with promptly, fairly and firmly.
- To train staff to identify problems before they escalate and ensure targeted support.
- To ensure that vulnerable students are well supported with appropriate intervention.
- To foster positive relationships with parents/carers.
The Role of Parents / Carers
- To support their child to attend school on time each day, behave well and engage in learning.
- To ensure that their child is wearing the correct school uniform and equipped for learning with a bag and basic stationery.
- To know and support their child to follow the School Expectations.
- To promote the school values: Respect, Responsibility and Resilience.
- To support the school system for rewards and sanctions.
- To support the school in ensuring that their child attends detentions if they are issued with one.
- To inform the school of any changes in circumstances that may affect their child’s behaviour.
- To discuss any behavioural concerns with their child’s form teacher or learning manager promptly.
- To respond promptly and appropriately to communication from school
- To attend meetings relevant to their child.
- To develop positive relationships with members of the school community.
- To monitor their child’s use of social media.
The Role of Students
- To attend school, behave well and work hard.
- To follow the School Expectations and the school rules.
- To put the School Values into practice: Respect, Responsibility & Resilience.
- To follow instructions given by staff.
- To be safe.
- To accept and complete the sanctions put in place as a result of unacceptable behaviour.
- To arrive and leave in full school uniform.
- To respect the local community and not cause a disturbance.
- To travel safely on school transport and respect the driver.
- To be positive ambassadors for Our Lady Queen of Peace and not bring the reputation of the school into disrepute.